The Inside of Autism

Course-Only Version

A course-only alternative for people who want to access Kieran's flagship training, without being part of the annual membership.a

The Inside of Autism strips back those stereotypes, provides insight from multiple Autistic perspectives, is grounded in up-to-date research; and shifts from a centred non-Autistic viewpoint to an Autistic one.

All of the Info

There is a dedicated page on Kieran's website for the training which is full of information and a helpful FAQ section;

The Inside of Autism : Course-Only Version.

The page you're currently reading is really just for the checkout; so we would definitely encourage you to visit the main page before deciding whether you would like to buy the training

If you'd like to join you can choose to do that below.


If you are a business you will be asked to enter your Tax ID at the checkout (if you don't have one you can simply put in your business name. This is really important so that our tax can be calculated, and paid, correctly and the information is only used for these purposes).