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The Inside of Autism with the STAR Institute
Welcome to The Inside of Autism
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[WORKBOOK] Inside of Autism Workbook
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Session 1: The History of Autism
Learning Objectives and Trigger Warnings
[VIDEO] Training Session
Additional Resources
Session 2: What Autism Isn't
Learning Objectives and Trigger Warnings
[VIDEO] Training Session
Session 3: Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Learning Objectives and Trigger Warnings
[VIDEO] Training Session
Session 4: I'm Right and You're Wrong
Learning Objectives and Trigger Warnings
[VIDEO] Training Session
Session 5: How To Hide Your Autism
Learning Objectives and Trigger Warnings
[VIDEO] Training Session
Resources: Kieran's paper on Masking
Resources: Monotropism
Resources: Double Empathy
Resources: Masking and Stigma
Additional Resources
Session 6: An Autistic Identity
Learning Objectives and Trigger Warnings
[VIDEO] Training Session
Resources List
Resources List
Live Q&As with Kieran - Dates, times, Zoom links and Recordings
Zoom Links for live Q&As (and Recordings)
Certificate of Completion
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